Real life
Here you will find real life stories of people that Salma Food bank has helped, we have gained permission to film and write about these people and there real stories and circumstances, these are not actors these are real life situations and how we have helped.
(note: We have had prior permission for the use of video and pictures to be used by these people, on our site or third party sites
I hope these videos and pictures encourage you to do the same
Name: David
Location: Birmingham
Situation: David and his wife struggling due to sanctions, need help quick time as wife hadn't eaten for days
Name: Emma
Location: Birmingham
Situation: Contacted us after struggling with food with children, we delivered in emergency circumstances and this is what she had to say
Name: Andy
Location: Birmingham City Centre
Situation: Homeless, not eaten for about a week or so
Name: Marie
Location: Birmingham City Centre
Situation: Homeless, someone had stolen her sleeping bag, but she was happy to see someone helping her at this time of the morning
Name: Sarah
Location: Birmingham
Situation: Benefit cuts and low household income made Sara contact us for a delivery parcel of food each week, here's her story
Name: Marin
Location: Birmingham
Situation: Homeless man from Poland sleeping rough in Birmingham, a sandwich and bottle of water brings a tear to his eyes
Name: Anonymous
Location: Birmingham
Situation: Real life story of someone that needs to pay bills and does not have enough for food, this is a typical situation people everyday find them selves in, we can help